South East Queensland
Year 3 – 4
First Place
Maths Pet
Lachlan Bandidt
Good News Lutheran School
Some kids find it hard to remember their times tables.
Cambridge University says that knowing your times tables is needed in order to solve higher level problems and memorisation of times tables frees up working memory to be used on other tasks. They suggest that computer-based practice is more effective, perhaps because students are more motivated and that timing tests promotes faster recall by students.
The Maths Pet makes it fun and easy to practice times tables. Students can choose their difficulty level and test themselves against the built-in timer. When they get an answer correct, the green LED lights up. When they get an answer wrong, the red LED turns on.
Second Place
Koala Chat Bot
Alexander Klett, Dharrun Srilingam, NathanMunoz
Good News Lutheran School
Students can be anxious in the playground if they can’t find a friend and sometimes it is hard to find a teacher or they are busy. The koala chat bot can talk to anxious children in the playground.
Third Place
Electronic Surfboard (ESB) by the Techno Kids
Harry Baulch, Lachlan Gordon, Nicolas Muir
St Joseph’s Bardon
Our project is the E.S.B (Electronic Surf Board). We chose this project when Nick realised that too many lifesavers were risking their lives and sometimes dying when trying to help other people. We encountered problems with the code when trying to work the ultrasonic ranger and the motor. We had trouble find a servo that would rotate 360 degrees and ended up using on the only rotated 180 degrees. The code for the ultrasonic ranger was difficult and we had to try a few different options.
Year 5 – 6
First Place
Stretchy 365
Lucinda Coyle, Lincoln Rucker
St Joseph’s Bardon
Stretchy 365’s main problem to solve was the concern of asthma and the fact that asthma attacks can come on with no warning and can put many asthmatics into a hospital bed. Asthma effects lots of people we know, and they live with it everyday, knowing the harm it can do to them. We used a micro-bit detect the amount of tension in the stretch sensor and send the data to the micro bit. If the tension was too shallow, indicating that and asthma attack was coming on, it will light up and beep. The stretch sensor goes around you upper stomach (near your lungs) and the micro bit and holder sits to the front or side. We came across many problems while building prototypes, some were the fact the stretch reading was inaccurate another was the code wasn’t ordered properly and also sometimes paring the micro bit and downloading the code could be problematic. But many of the problem we faced we managed to fix
Second Place
Stress Stoppers
Jeswin Eldho, Dylan Graham, Cooper McFarlane, Vaoloka Kite
Craigslea State School
Have you ever felt stressed? Do you ever feel overwhelmed? Well then, our app is for you. We focus to reduce stress levels in year 6 at our school and we aim to accomplish this with our app.
Third Place
Noise Nerds
Eleanor Angus, William Smyth, Alice Cartmill, Rehan Dutta
East Brisbane State School
Loud noises cause disruption in a number of ways. From households caught under flightpaths of passing planes, through to classrooms, high noise levels can be disruptive and unpleasant to lots of people. To understand noisy environments better we designed a noise monitor to track classroom, aircraft, and other loud areas. Our system monitors noise levels using an Arduino device connected via a local Wifi network to the Arduino IoT platform. Our noise monitor also outputs noise levels on the device using a traffic light system to alert users as to the current noise conditions in their location.
Year 7 – 8
First Place
Harmony Fisher, Emily Hughes, Janice Judge, Aaliyah Bazzara
Mansfield State High School
Cybear is a mobile app designed to improve mental health and wellbeing during lockdown by staying connected with people around the world. The app contains fun, collaborative projects on Happy Feed so people can help those who are experiencing loneliness. We know that keeping in touch is a vital aspect to maintain good mental health because friends boost your happiness and self esteem. ‘Donations’ allow users to donate money to our app to help charities with COVID-19. With a simple touch of a button, users can transform the lives of others around the world to make them that little bit happier.The app has been developed in’s App Lab which allows you to switch between block code and javascript.
Second Place
Metal Master
Shaylene Lelliott
Kingston State College
My project was to design and create a prototype tool for collecting junk/scrap metal from sidewalks, gardens and small waterways. This would be useful for collecting illegally dumped rubbish, trolleys, car wheels and scrap. I chose this project to try and combat the significant amount of metallic based rubbish polluting our gardens, bush land and waterways. I would have liked to add a few additional features but ran out of time due to interruptions and covid restrictions:
• 3D printed chassis for prototype
• Waterproofed design Motors/wheels for autonomous operation
Third Place
Technology Can Help Save Lives
Nethaka Dharmasiri
This project is about proving how technology can assist human actions in saving lives. To demonstrate this, I created an Extended Conveyor Meal Manoeuvring System (ECMMS). The ECMMS aims to solve a comprehensive issue in nursing and critical care homes. Those in a critical condition do not have access to meal or emergency supply delivery through technology. This is essential because sometimes, doctors and nurses may not be as efficient in delivering crucial needs to patients. My system transports meals and essential goods such as medicine, and other supplements to critical care patients or vulnerable people.
Year 9 – 10
First Place
Prosthetic Hand Using Muscle Sensor
Shay Brokensha
St Andrews Lutheran College
The project that I have created could help many amputees. While some adjustments would have to be made for a real amputee to use it (instead of mounting it on wood I could have made a sleeve) the actual technological side is working flawlessly. In this project I was able to use the MyoWare Muscle Sensor to detect electrical signals in my forearm when my hand is clenched (in a real amputee they can think about tensing their hand and it will do the same thing). From that I then controlled three servo motors which pulled fishing wire to close the fingers on the 3d printed hand (fishing wire acted as tendons while servo motors acted as muscles). If the servo motor wasn’t pulling the fishing wire the fingers would open back up due to a piece of elastic on the back of the fingers. Ultimately if an actual amputee used it they would be able to pick up and put down things, giving the person more freedom.
Second Place
My Voice; Bluetooth Speaker Necklace
Annie Rogers
St Andrews Lutheran College
I have a friend who has Cerebral Palsy and is non-verbal. Matilda uses a machine called a Tobii to communicate. Tobii is an eye tracking device that makes it possible for computers to know what users are looking at. The eye tracking and eye control are combined with the speech generating device that does the user’s communication. (“Eye Tracking/Eye Gaze Access and Speech Generating Devices (SGD)”) As she can’t type because she can’t control her limbs, she uses eye gaze to control the keyboard. People usually get impatient with her and just start guessing what she is going to say or read what she is typing. This annoys her, as it would annoy anyone else. My solution is ‘My Voice’. It is a Bluetooth Speaker (which can be charged overnight, resulting in a cordless device during use) on an adjustable necklace.
Third Place
Lachlan Nielsen, Tylah Mullins, Su Meh, Kee Meh, Joe Htoo, Goldie Goldie
Woodridge State High School
Year 9 have identified the problem within our school of our students not having access to computers. With all the new changes and movement to online learning its imperative that students have access to computers that are able to deal with the programs that are required to complete schooling activities. At Woodridge we are in an area that is of a low socio economic demographic with many of our local families being refugees with very little disposable income. In exploring ways to support our learnings year 9 ICT have come up with a solution to take the decommissioned PCs within the school, repair and reimage the PCs and sell them to students for a reduced cost ($100).